Easy Flyer Creator 3.0 - Most Advanced and Easy to use Desktop Publishing Software that help you Design Create Print Flyers, Brochures, Leaflets, Certificates, Tickets and mail merge documents from templates All the ideas and discussions
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Provide more themes! Allow a utility for people to submit user created themes!

Sometimes default options are not always the best ones. Create a gallery for people to create and share their own flyers and publishing ideas!

Jason Carver , 02.05.2011, 04:09
Idea status: under consideration


Help Desk, 02.05.2011, 12:48
We may be working on such portal in the near future where users and designers would be able to upload and sell their designs, templates, document and publishing material. for now if you have designed some templete and would like them to be included in Final Release of Easy Flyer Creator then feel free to upload them on http://www.flyerscreator.com/v3

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