Easy Flyer Creator 3.0 - Most Advanced and Easy to use Desktop Publishing Software that help you Design Create Print Flyers, Brochures, Leaflets, Certificates, Tickets and mail merge documents from templates All the ideas and discussions
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It would be great if the shadow function could be flushed out. At the moment, they don't work with most images. If you could make shadows work with already included images, it would really increase the software's usability, Right now, images like

Beth , 02.05.2011, 14:27
Idea status: under consideration


omarbarlas, 02.05.2011, 16:39
Shadow functions should be working fine with all of the Images added to the flyer page, Can you please explain in details what is the problem you are experienceing
Beth , 03.05.2011, 11:53
I'm very sorry it has taken me a while to respond. After I commented, I didn't have a chance to return online. I also see my suggestions were cut off before I finished. What I meant with the shadowing is for many images, the shadowing doesn't quite work. For example, when I used one of the included diamond images, adding shadow created a square in the back of the diamond. I was more hoping for a diamond-shaped shadow. And using the directional buttons to move the shadow only shifted the square but didn't change the square.
Beth, 03.05.2011, 11:56
The other thing I wanted to suggest was adding the option to add opacity to the shadows. I personally love using opacity with shadowing. It's particularly useful for text shadowing. Even lighter colors can stand out a bit too much with normal shadowing. Thanks!

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